So, while I'm complaining, I may as well whine about all this rain we have been having too. It has been raining for days now and lets not even talk about the wind for the past few days, both of which are really cramping my style. We are in standing water at the moment, my pond is over flowing and my poor yard cant absorb anymore! Granted, It has done a lovely job of washing my truck, (over and over again,... I think the paint is starting to peel) saving me from that grueling task, and if I had to look at the bright side, I reckon that's a perk. But my truck is clean 10 times over now, so enough already! Not only has it stopped me from getting any work done outside or with the dogs, but its really starting to give me a case of the cabin fever. Worse yet, I haven't had any work in the shop, for 2 days! Talk about cramping some ones style! That part is really sucking hind.....well lets just say I'm not a happy camper. Maybe I need to go to WalMart and get a new job. I hear they'll hire any one. But then too, I have it on good authority that continuous exposure to fluorescent lighting and the fumes from discount shoes made in China have been known to do strange things to ones sensibilities, so perhaps I'll pass on that. Besides, you never know what kind of weirdos you'll end up working with, and that can be scary. I think I'll just hold out and take my chances with the dogs. At least dogs are honest, and you can tell when they are going to take a snap at ya.
But there is one wonderful light at the end of the tunnel to give me hope and keep me going. One week from today, I will find myself probably just as cold and just as wet, as this week has been, but all that wont matter, as I will be braving the elements, while sitting and listening to the melodic Scottish accent of greatness. No, I'm not going to an out door Craig Ferguson show. Next Friday, bright and early, and ON TIME (for any of you who are wondering and know me.) Actually, I plan on getting there early, (Yes, that's what I said early, and you guys stop laughing! It could happen...) so I can try to be of some assistance this year instead of more of a burden. I went last year to,... oh, I almost forgot to say who's melodic voice I will be listening to, but then, is there any other in the field of stock dog training that anyone would sacrifice their health and well being to sit outside in all weathers in the middle of January to hear, but the all knowing, the one, the only Jack Knox? I hope the intro was sufficient for him, I wanted a drum roll too, but you;ll just have to improvise. At times like this it would be nice if blogs had sound, but then, thinking about the possibilities that would open up for people.....well, now that I think about that, maybe its best they don't.
So I went to Jacks sheepdog clinic last year for the fist time. Well, my first clinic of any kind, for the first time. Sadly, I was a clinic virgin, and had no idea what to expect. I was a little more than intimidated by the prospects, and to top it off, I in my once again infinite wisdom had decided to bring with me for every ones viewing pleasure, my land shark ( and premier truck chewer ) of a collie Chris! Suffice to say, when Jack saw Chris in action, I don't think anyone could have had a more screwed up look on their little Scottish face than Jack had when Chris shot out into the round pen the second the gate was opened and proceeded to run straight into the sheep to try to take down and eat the first sheep she could get her teeth into. Once we extricated her from the lambs hindquarters, and got her back under under control (leashed) Jack put on his happy clinician face, and walked up to me and asked, your going to love this, I did, and almost laughed, and would have if I wouldn't have been so horrified. "So, who is this and what do we want to work on with this dog." Not that he didn't already know her name, as all I could do was chase and scream "Chis! That'll Do! Chris! That'll Do! Chrissssss!" What control Jack was mastering at that very moment. I was grateful that he didn't have me drowning in my own puddle of embarrassing goo, and he gained a new respect from me from that moment forward. Hence the reason I will again, bundle myself up and make myself a STOP WHINING ABOUT THE WEATHER sign, to hand to some one who will undoubtedly have heard enough within the first hour I'm there and will happily flash it at ( or eventually Id expect, whack me over the head with) any time I start to whimper about the cold. I was told last year, they have special crates for people like me that they would happily introduce me too if I didn't shut up. In my own defense,it was cold out there last January dammit!
So, I am very excited about going to the 3 day Jack Knox clinic next week for many reasons, and this year, I'm not using my infinite wisdom in my choice of what dog I will bring. I'm going to try to make things right by Jack, and not bring Chris, but instead bring Bear. There will be a lot less running and yelling involved, and Id like to try to make a better impression this year. Maybe if I bring Bear, Jack will stop giving me those "you poor pathetic girl" looks and realize that I actually do have some idea of how a stock dog should behave on stock. Granted, since last years clinic, Chris has come a loooong way, but I think Jack had seen just about all he wanted to see of Chris to last a life time those blood filled, lung splitting 3 days last year.
Ive about got my list compiled for things I need to bring, or is that, a list of things not to forget? Though its inevitable, I'm sure I will forget something. Suggestions for things to bring, is always welcome. So if any of you winter clinic goers have any helpful suggestions on ways to stay warm and dry, and comfortable,(oh and maybe for any of you that know Jack a little better than I, Id like to smooth things over from last year, get off to a better start, cause you know the second he sees me, he is going to consider running the other way,) and give him a a little token of my appreciation. ( OK its bribery for putting up with me and my dog last year,) as I never felt the hundred I'm sorry's or thank you's were really enough. Perhaps he has a favorite dish or coffee or some thing that would put me in his immediate good graces, suggestions along those lines too, would be very helpful would be very appreciated.
Rain? We have had snow/ice. Can't work sheep because the crust cuts the dogs feet. Stink-O.
As for the clinic, bring layers, and an umbrella, and towels, and maybe even some sterno to keep you warm.
I agree, I am about ready to get the heck out of dodge myself...
Don't forget the biscuits! LOL! If it's raining, I'l try to set up a canopy, but it's missing a leg, so I'll have to go get a leg first. But we're going to think positive and plan on sun, sun, and more sun!
BTW, no need to bring Jack any tokens. Trust me, he has seen and dealt with much worse problems than the one Chris presented last year.
P.S. If you simply must bring anyone anything, chocolate will do very nicely, thanks....
Ah! An unbrella! Thats not on my list! Well,it is now, Thanks for that one New York Julie. It has been duly noted and gratefully appreciated.
I wont forget the biscuits Julie, ( NC Julie) they will be under my Umbrella! LOL
Oh, and that Chocolate suggestion?? You do realize its and hour and a half drive from here to there? Do you really think I could be trusted with chocolate in my truck with me, myself and I for an hour and a half drive before breakfast?
Still maybe you guys can smell the wrappers. LOL
PS> New mantra for the weekend.
Rain, rain, go away come again when Jack cant come out and play.
AAAhhh, but candy is all, like, 50% off now, after the holidays!!! Go get some, and leave it in the shrink wrap. You will be very popular :) I am jealous, I love clinics....
PS: you can tie the missing leg part of the canopy to a fence post-we did that once...
Course, at our last clinic, we almost lost a participant due to the winds- easy ups fly well, and come down HARD!
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