Lexy, a stock dog. 8-12-00 to 7-17-09 RIP
Greatness has passed over to the Rainbow Bridge.
My friend, my confidant, my partner, my right arm...... my heart.
My Sheep Dog. My Lex.
A grand Lass was she.
She always brought her sheep, and she never, no matter how tough it got, ...she never quit on me. She was an honest dog if there ever was one.
If dogs don't go to Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they go.
God Bless and God's Speed Lexy, your joyous spirit will live in my heart till we meet again.
It is with a sad heart, that I must announce the passing of my friend, my heart, my Lex.
Lexy was diagnosed about a month ago with Lymphoma. A form of cancer that attacks the lymph nodes. The disease grew rapidly, but for a little while I was able to keep her comfortable through the use of steroids. Once her legs and neck began to swell to the point of enormity, I knew it was time, while she didn't hurt, and she still had some energy to attempt to do, what we came to know and love, as "The Doodle Dance" A little jig she would dance whenever she was happiest.
Her last day on earth, was for her the greatest. She came to work with me and had free roam of the shop. She visited with the customers, ate treats enough for two dogs, and was doted on by all.
Lexy's sweet nature had touched the hearts of many, as she was a dog who was wrongly treated when she was young, and still came back to forgive and befriend all who would hold out their hand for her to lick. It has been days since I am able to talk about this, I knew it was coming, but when the time came, still I was not prepared to let her go. Her gaze as she lay on the surgery table awaiting the inevitable, the unavoidable, was trusting, questioning,....and still it haunts me.
Her death was not and easy one, Lex had heart, and didn't want to give up. It took several shots to put her down, and still she would not succumb. Finally, we had to inject her into her heart. The very part of her that she always gave the most of from within herself.
Lex was a happy dog, and I know she would not want us to grieve her passing, but instead, rejoice, and shout praise. Praise for the Working Sheepdog, rejoice in the feeling of utter joy between handler and dog, working together in partnership, for the mutual love of the work, the sheep, the bond, that she gave to me with all her heart and soul, which will forever remain steadfast in my heart.
So the next time you send your dog, send them one time for Lex. She will be watching, I feel sure.
Good Bye my sweet girl, till we meet again.